I've moved to my much overlooked website fpmolina.com

I've had it for ages and so glad I get to use it again. It is much easier to read & navigate, and way less glitchy.

Hope I see you there!



Two weeks ago, Stargate fandom got hit with a blow when my good friend Cheryl (@Cherluvya) passed away after a rough battle with breast cancer. She was a great lady & awesome friend. She helped me through some really rough times, and it has been hard to wrap my head around.

Anyone who knew her knows that she fought hard the last few years so she could spend more time with her family. She had 5 kids & a gaggle of grand kids she adored.

Anyone who knew her online can tell you she always had a kind word, thoughtful quote, or silly pic that she hoped would brighten someone's day, giggles over cute boys & the ability to turn your inner child on. Patrick Gilmore deemed this "Cherylness", and it has stuck.

When trying to wrap my brain around her passing, I suddenly had an idea. Being that we all met online, so many nerds, so much love, and my odd outlet of graph making, I came up with this

I created a knit pattern that when scanned went to her twitter feed.

PDF DOWNLOAD https://www.dropbox.com/s/8zjsx629csiezxs/cheryl%20full%202.pdf

Then the perfect memorial popped into my head! This graph can make a wash cloth or Pot holder, with a breast cancer awareness theme, with a Stargate twist (the symbol represents Home), and when scanned still goes to Cheryl's feed. That way if you need some good memories it is always there to remind you how great a lady she was. I am also thinking about making some stickers. I know she would have loved it :)

In other news, soon this blog will be moving to a more luxurious spot on FPMOLINA.COM! Once I figure out how to work out the kinks, it should be much nicer & easier to follow than the current format. It will also be nice to have something up on my website again.




Wanna curl up with a nice pillow while listening to your favorite easy listening cassette? Or maybe sit by a nice cozy fire wearing your favorite 90s mustache? Well I have the pattern for you!

It's been awhile since I have posted, my next post will explain why (been trying to write it for a week).

Hope you enjoy your Yanni, who am I kidding, I know you will!



It's October & you know what that means, time to get ready for Halloween! Want a fun game for your Party, how about Find The Hex Bag? You can fill little bags with candy like Easter eggs, or you could use on of these patterns to make one or more Perler, knit, or cross stitch Hex bags that your guests can redeem for a spooky prize!

Or you can just make one cuz you are a Supernatural fan like me :)




Hello, the government shut down......yep no real change so far. I do believe I have figured out my posting glitch though, so that's awesome.

I've made quite a few graphs of Egyptian glyphs and decided to share on of my favorites with you today: The Eye of Horus.






There seems to be a glitch with me posting, so I will keep this short & sweet just in case I lose another page of single finger typing :)

Space Invaders! Would be great as a pillow or on a sweater (I would totally wear that sweater)






My doodle Tuesday graph today is my favorite character from The IT Crowd, Moss. He can spell, make unintentional jokes, eat his desert before his lunch, and go on vacation without anyone notice.



PDF Download



Yesterday was my Landman's birthday, so in honor of this occasion I whipped up a PBR pillow & blanket graph.



P.S. the images are slightly rougher than the actual patterns


This weekend we had a small local festival called Hot Times. It was a good time, a bit warm, but there was a good breeze, good food, and good friends. One of my favorite things there is the Art Cars, & my favorite this year was all the way from Kansas. She has a mini museum of "The World's Largest Collection of the Word's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things"...I think I have that right anyway.

Also I have pics of a tiki car & one with a bear head holding a banana.

I have also been watching some recorded TV shows I haven't watched yet, since the Internet is still down at the house. Longmire, is my new favorite. I'm not sure why it took me so long to start watching. It reminded me of a fair isle pattern I made awhile ago, it has a bit of a 80's Video Game Vibe.



PDF Downloads


Just Marks: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gz953jbz5pc70o5/Fire%20Steal%20Washcloth%20mark.pdf